Today, I’m going to talk to you about how to pick out the best protein powder for weight loss.
Lot of times when people are working to lose weight, they want to use a protein powder to supplement their diet.
When you’re picking trying to pick out the best protein powder for weight loss it can get really confusing. With all the marketing out there it’s tough to weed through what makes sense and what doesn’t.
So today I’m going to take away the confusion and show you exactly what you want to look for when you’re picking out the best protein powder for weight loss.
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Important Lesson About Protein and Weight Loss
First, I want to clear something up. Generally speaking, getting whole food sources of protein is going to be better for you than using protein powder.
As a rule of thumb, whole foods will require more energy to digest which makes it easier to lose weight.
However, there are a lot of there are a lot of benefits to protein powder for people trying to lose weight. First, I want to clear something up. Generally speaking, getting whole food sources of protein is going to be better for you than using protein powder.
As a rule of thumb, whole foods will require more energy to digest which makes it easier to lose weight.
However, there are a lot of there are a lot of benefits to protein powder for people trying to lose weight.
How to Pick Out the Best Protein Powder for Weight Loss
The most important thing you should do when picking out a protein powder is read the label.
Look at the ingredient list and look at the nutritional information (the numbers on the side of the container).
We’ll start with the ingredient list.
Protein powder is obviously a processed food.
Ideally, what you want to do is try to get one that has the least amount of ingredients possible. Frequently, people will get gas and digestive issues when they take in protein powder. Often, I find clients will have less symptoms if they switch to a protein powder with less addities.
Next, when you’re reading the nutritional information, you want to take a look to see how much protein, carbohydrates and fat there are in a serving size.
In a protein powder you want to get at least 25 grams per serving.
In a protein powder you want to get less than 10 grams.
For fat you want your protein powder to have 5 or less grams.
These are general guidelines. You can find a quality protein powder that is slightly off of these amounts.
Best Protein Powder for Weight Loss
Next you want to look at the source of the protein.
Whey is the most common or frequently seen protein powder.
However, a lot of people get digestion issues with whey proteins.
If you find you’re getting gas or a distended stomach or bloating or anything like this, you might want to try a protein powder that is not whey based.
This can be from sources like rice, pea, hemp, eggs, casein or others.
Tips for Picking Out the Best Protein Powder for Weight Loss
The most important thing when you’re picking out your protein powder is you enjoy the way it tastes.
If you don’t like the way it tastes, you find it chalky or you find it doesn’t blend up well, you’re not going to want to continue using it because you won’t enjoy your protein shakes.
A good strategy with this most protein supplements if you order online you can get one individual serving size before you buy a giant tub so you can see if you actually like the taste or not.
Best Brand of Protein Powders for Weight Loss
So I’ve walked you through how to look at the ingredient list, how to read the nutrition label and pick out a protein powder. But, a lot of people want suggestions of different brands of protein powder.
Best Whey Protein Powder for Weight Loss
Here are the two brands that we have carried at our personal training studio.
Genuine Health Whey Protein Powder
New Zealand Whey Protein Powder
Both of these protein powders meet all the requirements I’ve outlined in today’s article.
I would note that these are more expensive brands of protein powder, but you will more often than not get what you pay for.
Best Vegan Protein Powder for Weight Loss
Finally, what is the best vegan protein powder for weight loss. We have one brand that we really prefer over others. We used to have a 2nd brand we liked Vega Sport, but they changed their formula with a lot more additives so we stopped carrying that brand.
The brand we recommend is Genuine Health Vegan Protein Powder.
We have found over the years that vegan brands of protein powder are often more chalky. Overall, we have had positive feedback from clients using this brand
Picking Out the Best Protein Powder for Weight Loss Wrap Up
Hopefully at this point you have a clear picture of how to pick out the best protein powder for weight loss.
Having said that, it’s very individual with taste and which ones will agree with your digestive tract. The best option is to play around and see which ones you enjoy.
If you would like to learn how to make the best protein shakes for weight loss click here.
Reasons to Use Protein Powder for Weight Loss
Benefit #1 of Protein Powder for Weight Loss
Convenience. You’re able to get your lean protein in without a lot of prep time.
Benefit #2 of Protein Powder for Weight Loss
Makes it easier to get enough lean protein. In my experience, the vast majority of people looking to lose weight aren’t getting anywhere close to enough protein.
Protein helps to keep you satisfied on fewer calories, build lean muscle and boost up your metabolism.
Benefit #3 of Protein Powder for Weight Loss
Cost effective way to get protein into your diet. Protein powder is actually one of the most cost effective ways to get lean protein into your diet.
It often can look expensive because of the initial cost of a giant container of protein powder. But, if you actually look at the cost per gram it’s very cost effective.
These are just a few of the benefits of using protein powder for weight loss. How many grams of protein per day should you eat? Click here to find out
How to Make the Best Protein Shake for Weight Loss
Click here for our article on how to make the best protein shake for weight loss.